Multi-Step Konnectz

Integrate & automate multiple applications for your workflow in a simple way.

Written by KumarLast update 4 years ago

One of the innovative features inside our automation platform is multi-step konnectz. Users can build n number of steps as per they like. It is a unique feature made possible by adopting recent technologies & visual builder on KonnectzIT.

You can drag & drop 2,3,4, or even 5 may be more apps into KonnectzIT's workspace and build automation without any difficulties.

Unlike other platforms, KonnectzIT is providing a way to completely visualize & develop task automation and it is boon for people who are fed up with ladder automation methods and visual builder that show icons(only to visualize) on their workspace.


The above image is a demonstration of multi-step konnectz containing multiple apps like Calendly, text formatter, Gmail, and Google Sheets. These apps are interlinked using a visual connector to automate the data transfer when an event got triggered on the initial app(Calendly).

Multi-step konnectz will be a gift for you when you have to interconnect multiple apps to automate your manual tasks.

We hope this article helps you by getting an overview of the multiple-step feature on KonnectzIT platform. If you have any questions or doubts on this topic, contact our support team using the chat window on the right-bottom corner of the website.

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