WhatsApp Cloud API Notifications via Webhook, Get alerts when you receive a message or when a message’s status has changed on WhatsApp, by setting up a Webhook URL in your Facebook developer Account (Meta for Developers App).
1. Click on Create a Konnect > Drag & Drop WhatsAppCloudAPI Choose the Message Notification trigger as shown below :
2. Click the copy button, It will be copied to the clipboard and your workflow starts listening for the data.
3. Navigate to Meta for Developers App Dashboard Under WhatsApp > Configuration > Webhooks > Click on Edit / Configure a webhook
4. In the Pop-up >
Paste the konnectzit webhook URL copied under the Callback URL field.
Enter konnectzit_token in Verify Token field.
5. After adding the information, click on Verify and Save button.
6. Again go back to App Dashboard > WhatsApp > Configuration > Webhooks > Click on Manage, In the Pop-up > for the 'messages' option click on the 'Subscribe' Button,
Once you subscribe to the messages event, you can hit the Test button to get the test data captured in your workflow result will be as below
How to Set Up Your WhatsApp Cloud API Account, Step by Step Process | KonnectzIT
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