Sub-Accounts Management

Add, Update, Deactivate or Delete the sub-accounts made easy inside KonnectzIT platform.

Sangita Sihmar
Written by Sangita SihmarLast update 3 years ago

Creating sub-accounts is the perfect way for any agency to manage their team’s workflow and balance. Now, from your main account, you can customize sub accounts exactly the way you want them. 

In order to create a sub-account inside your KonnectzIT account, you need to follow certain steps. 

1. To start with, you need to Login to the KonnectzIT platform and  go to the ‘Accounts’ section from the dashboard. 

2. Now, navigate to the Agency inside Account section as shown below. This page will give us insights about the following parameters: 

  • Total Tasks available 

  • Tasks consumed 

  • Total Sub Accounts including:

    • Active Accounts

    • Inactive Accounts

3. Here, you  can add 5 sub-accounts to manage as a team. To add a sub-account, click the  Add Sub Accounts button  on the top right corner as shown below.  

4. Fill  the required  details and click on “Add” to finish adding a sub-account. 

For every sub-account, you have the following options  to control : 

  1. Update Task

  2. De-Activate

  3. Delete

Update Task - This will allow you to manage tasks assigned to a particular sub-account by adding or reducing  them. You can easily update the sub-accounts individually by changing the number of tasks you have allocated  as shown in the image below. 

Deactivate - This option allows you to pause/stop the operations like running the automation & its tasks consumption controlled  by a particular sub-account. 

Delete - This action of deleting an sub-account will remove it from your main account . You can delete the sub-account if not in use easily inside KonnectzIT. 

We hope this article helps you to know more about managing sub-accounts on  the KonnectzIT platform. If you still have questions or doubts about this topic, please contact our support team using the chat window on the right-bottom corner of the website.

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